About Prodktr Spark

The Prodktr Spark podcast is aimed at people who work in the capital markets, in particular those involved in the process chain from the front office all the way to settlement.  We will be inviting guests who have first-hand experience of the challenges of processing multiple assets classes from multiple markets, either in a bank, asset/investment manager or third party service provider.

If there is a topic you would like us to cover please get in touch via our contact form, and if you would like to appear on our podcast get in touch too.

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Latest Episodes

EPISODE 02 | 13 January 2022

Investment Management transformation and disruption

Investment and Fund Managers face the challenge of processing complex products in a changing landscape. Competition and cost pressure means no firm can stand still, but the process of transformational change can create personal and organisational stress. How willing are firms to grasp the nettle of change and reach for the cost and efficiency improvements available? How do staff feel when strategic change takes place? Where are the high risk areas to transform? What is the pot of gold at the end of the transformation rainbow and will industry utilities make the problems go away? Find out more in this revealing podcast.

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EPISODE 01 | 23 September 2021

Everything about outsourcing

In this episode of the Prodktr Spark podcast we are joined by Torquil Wheatly from Coremont, and Bryan Kelly from SS&C to talk about the current state of the outsourcing market.  Is the scope for outsourcing changing to new functions inside a firm? How competitive is the market when selecting an outsourcing provider? What are the risks of outsourcing, and how does that affect your organisations ability to react quickly?

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Click here to see time points and a transcription of this episode

More episodes coming soon

Be Our Guest

We are looking for guests who have first-hand experience of the challenges of processing multiple assets classes from multiple markets, either in a bank, asset/investment manager or third party service provider.

If you think you would be good fit or have a topic in mind you would like you speak about, get in touch.

Be on our podcast