Launched today is a Prodktr white paper on “A Risk Based Approach to Upgrading Your Trading Operating Model” – a detailed insight into maintaining the competitiveness of your business. Download your free copy today which includes two self-assessment tools to consider whether to begin a transformation plus discussion topics in relation to business efficiency.
High levels of volatility in your trading operating model
Financial firms have seen both disruption and opportunity in the past decade. Accelerated roadmaps, new technological breakthroughs, rapid market volatility, reshaped strategies, new regulatory requirements, a pandemic and environmental, social and corporate governance are some of the drivers continuously impacting business as usual today.
All these things introduce risks to your trading operating model which need to be identified, measured and mitigated – something we believe should be at the top of a COOs to do list. Our Transformation Roadmap service is an opportunity for firms to review how to define services, simplify operating models, review productivity versus the industry, transform and plan for growth.
In our whitepaper we set out our views on the risks facing investment / asset managers and banks in delivering services from trading to settlement. We focus on the processing pipeline from trading backwards to settlement via a wide range of risk areas. The paper is oriented towards people in the roles of COO, Chief Investment Officer or CTO who have ultimate accountability for the cost and efficiency of your firms’ infrastructure
Prodktr has worked with multiple firms using our Transformation Roadmap Service to facilitate a fresh approach to their business infrastructure.
Our initial focus produces an impact assessment of risk categories including:
- Economic
- Legal
- Technical
- Operational
- Reputational
- Regulatory
We review these from front to back of your organisation taking both a service centric and client centric viewpoint. Our assessment uses data on the probability of risk occurrence and the severity of impacts to then produce a Roadmap of mitigating actions.
In the white paper we introduce all these topics in more detail including two exercises for the reader to undertake:
- Why embark on a risk-based transformation? Six reasons for your consideration to support such a Roadmap
- A six category self-assessment approach on what senior leaders should be thinking about and who you should be talking to
If you can spare time to talk we will give you an insight into the future of your business, contact us via these methods:
- Visit our website
- Call us on +44 (0) 808 168 1670
- Or email us via
More reading
- Bank of England report on post trade processing
- Book: Post trade processing of OTC derivatives